
iDempiere to iDempiere micro microservices relation

iDempiere micro microservices are a separate project creating a set of microservices to provide front-end developers a stable and working backend with all the advanced ERP functionality like

  • products
  • price lists
  • orders
  • quantity on hand

being in the same time compatible with iDempiere, an open source Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software with also customer relationship management (CRM) and supply chain management (SCM) functions.


The iDempiere micro project was created because the current integration points were not sufficient to create a separate web application in e.g. Angular, React or even Elm or to provide the users with a mobile experience. This does not mean that the iDempiere integration point are not useful or could not work in other projects.


We forked the business logic of iDempiere, the org.adempiere.base project. We divided the project into smaller parts like Tax. Those are the core libraries you can use later e.g. to combine them to an application like standalone iDempiere Micro All-In-One OpenLiberty Java EE 8 microservice .


The OSGi Framework is a great framework to write huge complex extensible applications like iDempiere. Each of the bundles can be seen as a separate microservice easily communicating with the other bundles. However we decided not to use any runtime environment and produce self-contained JAR file capable running inside a Docker image with just a JRE installed.

Cloud? Serverless?

Absolutely! The standalone iDempiere Micro All-In-One OpenLiberty Java EE 8 microservice can be already deployed to
a Cloud Foundry environment like e.g. IBM Cloud. For some parts we are also considering real serverless lambdas to allow predictable running times and costs.