
Authentication in the iDempiere micro microservices


The authentication in the iDempiere micro microservices is done by calling the REST Login endpoint. The REST Login endpoint is a GET HTTP call to the login URL /session/{USERNAME}/login/{PASSWORD} where you pass the USERNAME and PASSWORD parameters in the URL path.

The underlying UserService processes the login request and logs the user if the USERNAME and PASSWORD parameters match the values stored in the iDempiere database. Please note several configuration parameters (similar to the iDempiere configuration parameters) are involved in the process namely:

  • User.password-hash - if passwords are hashed in the AD_User table. Default is false being compatible with the iDempiere default installation. Please note however we strongly recommend the passwords to be hashed except for local development environments. If set to true the user password (to compare with the value in the database) is first hashed using the SHA512 algorithm with user.salt as salt and 1000 iterations.
  • Locking.max-account-lock-minutes - maximum number of minutes for a user to be locked out after unsuccessful logins
  • Locking.max-inactive-period-day - maximum number of days the user is allowed not to log in. If the users tries to log in after the period, the account is locked.
  • Locking.max-login-attempt - maximum number of unsuccessful login attempts before the user is locked.

Please note currently only users with an access to exactly one client are supported. Also please note the orgId parameter is not used and set so the functionality to distinguish between different organizations in a client is currently not supported.

When the user is successfully authenticated a JSON Web Token (JWT) is returned.

JSON Web Token (JWT)

The JSON Web Token is used to authorize all the GraphQL calls to a iDempiere micro microservice. The JWT is obtained by a successful login.